Spotlight on Business Card Design

Among some brands and retailers, business cards are viewed as a minor piece of the promotional package. Consequentially, they’ll make the mistake of putting little thought into the design of their cards. However, business cards are often the first medium through which prospects are exposed to certain brands.

To get the most return on your business cards, don’t go cheap on their production; instead, have them made by a commercial printing specialist. When your cards look immaculate, your brand will look better in the eyes of new prospects.

It’s also essential to carefully consider how your card is organized. Business cards should feature a simple design with basic info. The standard size for a business card is 3.5″ x 2″—the size that most card filers are designed to carry. Given the small amount of room, the front of your card should only feature your brand logo, website URL, and contact info.

To get your cards made properly, contact Replica Digital Print & Copy. We offer commercial printing services for businesses throughout San Diego. Visit us online or call (858) 457-9500 for additional information.