Coil Binding at Replica San Diego
When you print a book or report for your business, the binding is the finishing touch. Even the most vibrant color printing job won’t save a document from looking sloppy if you don’t bind it correctly. At Replica San Diego, we offer a range of binding options for your printed materials, so you can select the perfect one for your project. Here is a look at some of your choices.
Coil/Spiral Bind
This kind of binding makes your report look much like a notebook. It is ideal for large reports because it always lies flat. Because it is flat when it is opened, it is also good for projects in which people may need to take notes. Spiral binding works well when your project is an odd size. This is the most popular type of binding because it works well for so many different types of projects.
If you want your project to look like a book, choose VeloBind. VeloBind uses hard, plastic edges to keep your project intact. Lawyers and financial officers most often use this kind of binding. The reason VeloBind is so popular for things like legal briefs and financial reports is that it makes documents easy to file and mail and because it is difficult to tamper with. Removing pages from a Velo-bound project is hard to do, and the missing pages will be easy to spot.
Tape Bind
If you’re looking for a simple kind of binding, choose a tape bind. Cloth adhesive tape holds papers together. Tape binds are popular for things like lab manuals. Note that with this binding, the project won’t lay flat when you open it. Tape binding only requires one step, so it is a great choice when you have a pressing deadline.
When you’re ready to have your project printed, discuss all of your binding options with Replica San Diego. We can help with all of your commercial printing needs, including color copies, poster printing, and more. You can find out more by calling our San Diego store at (858) 457-9500.