Tips for Designing Business Stationery

Your business stationery will represent your brand, so it should look professional and include the right colors. It should also feature your logo, if you have one, and you should use a professional printing service to bring it to life. Keep reading for more on these tips for designing business stationery.

Use Brand Colors
Business stationery like notepads and appointment cards will be primarily blank so that there’s room to write down your notes and appointment times. This doesn’t mean that it won’t include any color, however, but you should be cognizant of the hues you choose. Picture your brand in your mind, and think about what kinds of colors are associated with it. Keep in mind that color can have a real, albeit subtle, impact on people, which you hopefully took into account when branding in the first place. It can be helpful for these colors to make an appearance on your business stationery.

Include a Logo
The right colors will represent your brand and draw people in, but you can do even more to add your business’ trademark to its stationery. If your business has a logo, be sure to include that as well. You can even use it as a watermark that faintly appears in the background across the bulk of your notepad so that the writing over it is still legible.

Hire a Printing Professional
When you want your printing done right—which should be all the time—you should work with the printing pros. Not only will your digital printing experts ensure that your product comes out looking great, they can also offer design tips if you’re struggling. The professionals can use their experience in the industry to help you craft business stationery that you can be proud of.

Do you still need help designing stationery for your business? Don’t wait to contact the team at Replica Digital Print & Copy. Printing serving San Diego is our specialty, and business stationery is included within our commercial printing services. You can learn all about us by visiting our website or calling us at (858) 457-9500.