Naming Your Business to Make a Lasting Impression

One of the most important decisions you will make when starting out as an entrepreneur is selecting the name of your business. In order to give your business a name that makes a lasting impression, you should begin by brainstorming with family and friends and possibly even consulting a dictionary for word inspiration. Use the business’ services and goods as inspiration, but avoid settling on a name that is too literal, as it will not only be dull, but may also already be taken by a competitor.

As the experts in this video share, some of the most successful business names are those that use humor or altered spellings to add some flare and creativity to the business brand. Once you’ve settled on a name, talk to a lawyer to find out if the name infringes on any copyright laws or to copyright your own name.

Here at Replica Digital Print & Copy, we can assist you in printing materials to get your new business off the ground. Call us at (858) 457-9500 to learn more about printing business cards, signs, and posters with help from our experienced team of professionals.