Exploring Replica San Diego’s Binding Options

When you need to provide current customers, potential clients, or employees with long documents containing vital information, a printed booklet is still superior to a digital file, especially when the content exceeds 50 pages in length. A physical booklet is simply easier to read and easier to flip through. You can also mark vital information with tabs and the booklet’s recipients can highlight the information they find most pertinent.

There are several binding options available for custom printed booklets. If you are printing a document intended for internal distribution only, you may wish to select the more cost-effective option of tape binding for shorter documents or comb binding for longer documents. When providing current or prospective clients with printed materials, spiral binding or velo binding creates a more streamlined, elegant impression. Velo binding is also much more difficult to tamper with, so it is the perfect choice for sensitive documents containing confidential information.

For all your document binding needs, call Replica San Diego at (858) 457-9500. We provide a full range of printing services for your business.